Monday, August 26, 2013

Exercises to Strengthen your Abs / Core Muscles

Want to have a stronger Core? Or Six Pack Abs? By working out these two sets of muscles , the Transverse Abdominis ( front and side abs) and the Rectus Abdominis ( middle abs), along with a healthy diet and some cardio, you can achieve rock-hard, six -pack abs.

Some  exercises that focus on Abdominal / Core muscles are:
  • Yoga
  • Pilates
  • Boxing / Kickboxing


     Both Yoga and Pilates workouts target you core muscles. Both work your abdominals in  repetitive exercises or poses.  This will help you become stronger, more flexible, and have an all over leaner toner body.  
All ages  can benefit from the many Yoga and Pilates workouts.  Even people at various stages of physical rehabilitation can be successful with such a low impact gentler workout routine.


When sparring, jabbing and kicking , while Boxing / Kickboxing, it engages both sets of abdominal muscles.  By focusing on your form while performing these exercises you will see your Ab /core muscles transform right before your eyes. 
It is necessary  to have total body fitness when trying to get your abs to show through.  By adding Fat Burning Cardio workouts into your routine will help you accomplish the goal of getting Six-Pack abs quicker.  Your should choose an activity that interests and motivates you. 

Some of the Fat Burning Cardio exercises include:
  • Walking
  • Running
  • Swimming
  • Spinning / Bike riding
Every week you should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate cardio exercise or 75 minutes of intense cardio exercise per the CDC ( Centers for Disease Control). 

The best way to working towards rock hard abs is not to focus on just ab workouts.  You must stay on  a healthy diet and work some kind of cardio workouts into your exercises routine for an ALL OVER HEALTHY BODY!!
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